Raising the Bar...
I read it on Kapil Gupta's blog "If you lose, don't give up. If you win, raise the bar."
Last weekend I raised the bar for myself.
I have been practising in the Golf driving range, for last couple of weeks now.
I thought, this is time to raise the bar for myself and I went to Golf course with three golfers.
I always thought that golf is an easy game, you hit the ball, walk up to it, then hit again. During this time have chat with friends.
But my first day experience is totally different. For all 18 holes and more than 4 hrs, I was always running and chasing the ball.
Whenever I hit the ball, it was going in some different direction than what I intended and somehow the trees and sand attracted my golf balls a lot.
Once I completed par 3 hole in 2 hits and most of the time I didn't completed par 3-4 in 7-8 hits. (Par x for any hole, is a parameter for no of hits that an average player will take to finish)
I realised that "Raising the Bar" is not going to be a comfort zone.
Life will present more challenges.
Idea is to choose them all, get at ease with these new challenges and have fun.
Labels: Being Alive
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